A History of the Pokémon W orld/"Earth" (by way of "Watchmen", the "Culture" novels, "2001: A Space Odyssey" and "Warhammer 40,000") c.12,000,000,000 years BCE Sublimation of first civilisations and Minds c.350,000,000-300,000,000 years BCE Mew culture/civilisation/society develops on Earth and,later, on Venus also They possibly colonise Mars Mew eventually terraform/"Mewform" a variety of planets in other solar systems The "starter" Pokémon evolve at some point It is possible they were bio-engineered by Mew (singular or plural) to re-terraform the Earth in the case of another die-off c.4-3,000,000 years BCE Monoliths visit Earth They take various proto-Hominid tribes to other planets around the galaxy to observe their evolution in different environments-I'm tempted to use this as an example/explanation for the prevalence of human/humanoid societies in the Culture galaxy. This doesn't reall...