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Showing posts from February, 2019


splitlabour Just exactly how egotistical and deluded are the so-called Gang of Seven? Reading their statements and watching their pathetic justifications has to be the most insane thing I've seen lately. And I'm reading a book at the moment which posits that King Solomon had his own spaceship! These are Zerzanian levels of delusion, to the power of Zechariah Sitchin! Presumably, these seven "brave" MPs are convinced a Labour win would see Donald Trump insist the UK military overthrow a Corbyn-led administration. Which, presumably, would see Chuka Ammuna instated as the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom!

Ultimate Fan Theories

Pokémon The humans in the Pokémon World may have arrived when the colonial fleet in Battlestar Galactica reached "Earth". They may have also "crossed over" from, or live in, a version of the Watchmen/DC universe. Both versions are possible. The reality of Pokémon is that the humans live in a Lovecraftian universe in which most adults are afraid to leave their homes for fear of going being possessed by ghosts or having their dreams eaten by psychic Pokémon. Children, especially pre-adolescents, seem mostly immune to ghost-induced insanity and are encouraged to catch and train various 'mon to protect their adult selves. Basically, it is more like the  tabletop game Pokethulhu  than the familiar anime. Team Rocket have access to the original Cylon  Resurrection Ship . This way they can keep "blasting off" (dying) and then return in the same episode. Similarly, the Nurse Joys and Officer Jennies are clones/versions of Deana Biers and Kara Thrace.

Liam Neeson

Sooo..... Imagine if it had been a Welshman... Would Liam Neeson have gone after all the Farfetch'd?

A 'mon of Ice and Fire (Type Pokemon)

1. Dragons and Pokémon both allegedly came from the Moon. 2. Hodor can only say his name! 3. Dragons taught the ancient Valyrians* how to speak just as 'mon repeating their designations taught Humans in the Pokemon World how to speak (speculation based on the various anime series). 4. Six "thralls" and six Pokemon: Varamyr Skinchanger controls six beasts via his ability to Warg which, to me , is strikingly similar to the maximum a trainer can carry in the games and anime. 5. Both "worlds" seem to have extensive wilderness areas and disparate populations. 6. The ravens in A Song of Ice and Fire seem particularly sentient (maybe not as much as dragons and Pokémon however)  7. A particular similarity between the A Song of Ice and Fire novels and Pokémon is the "Lord of Bones" character and Cubone  : one wears the skull of a giant as a helm while the other wears the skull of its mother. 8. Another is how Daenerys Targaryen's   dragons