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Ultimate Fan Theories

The humans in the Pokémon World may have arrived when the colonial fleet in Battlestar Galactica reached "Earth". They may have also "crossed over" from, or live in, a version of the Watchmen/DC universe. Both versions are possible.

The reality of Pokémon is that the humans live in a Lovecraftian universe in which most adults are afraid to leave their homes for fear of going being possessed by ghosts or having their dreams eaten by psychic Pokémon. Children, especially pre-adolescents, seem mostly immune to ghost-induced insanity and are encouraged to catch and train various 'mon to protect their adult selves.

Basically, it is more like the tabletop game Pokethulhu than the familiar anime.

Team Rocket have access to the original Cylon  Resurrection Ship. This way they can keep "blasting off" (dying) and then return in the same episode. Similarly, the Nurse Joys and Officer Jennies are clones/versions of Deana Biers and Kara Thrace. In other words, they ARE CYLONS! 


Generation One Pokémon
Or, at least the world they exist in, can be seen as one in which a variety of cryptid entities were discovered living alongside humans and regular animals. So, for example, the Loch Ness monster was discovered to be a Garyados, while entities like Mothman are considered Pokémon alongside original Pokémon like Ninetales which are based on Japanese or Chinese mythology.

Ash is.....

A vampire.

A Cylon.

The recipient of a perpetual youth serum. See below*.

Is half-Pokémon!
Image result for mr mime
Ash's real father?

And exists in the same reality/world as American Dad!, Family Guy and Game of Thrones. 
Image result for family guy cock-a-doodle-do wolf

'cos wolves and shit.

But is probably Professor Oak's son.
Making him Gary Oak's uncle!

The increased number of Pokémon in later versions can be explained by the "Watchmen" theory.
Basically all or most Pokémon are artificial creations (Cylons again!) which Humans can "download" into post-death-or during life, perhaps in a scenario similar to The Lobster  The scenario assumes humanity, through the developments enabled by Dr Manhattan, has reached a technological capacity similar to the Culture. This means that humans can download themselves into a variety of real and entirely created life-forms. Or machines.  
This "Pokémon World" scenario also fits into the Galactica theory esposed above: The nuclear war on the so-called "Cylon Earth" destroyed all animal and plant species larger than microscopic forms. Therefore, the creation/introduction of Pokémon by the colonials and/or their descendants was a measure to restore the ecosystem. It also helps that some of these new "animals" are plants:  
Image result for bulbasaur

Image result for bulbasaur

American Dad!
Stan is not a Central Intelligence Agency agent. He is simply a delusional vigilante whose wife invented a perpetual youth serum*.

He blackmails the CIA by threatening to release the formula of this serum to the public.

This is his main source of income.  
Steve will either remain, and die, a virgin or become A SERIAL KILLER!
Roger is Francine's former drug dealer, who Stan kidnapped and holds in the attic. He is not an alien, this is one of Stan's fantasies.

Francine had a partial lobotomy, meaning she can no longer read and appears stupid except in times of extreme necessity.

The Simpsons
Homer Simpson is a Christ-like figure, constantly reincarnating to fight the "Devil"- Charles Montgomery Burns!
Image result for c.m. burns devil simpsons

EVERYONE is a Cylon.




(and) "Earthers" alike.

The "Cylon Earth" would be perfectly survivable after two thousand years. As Cylons seem to be affected differently by radiation then the "Earth" Cylons had to be descendants of Kobolian Skinjobs.

Apart from the primitive humans Galactica finds on Earth 2.


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