Hi there, this is Elench-San and I have more Dragon Ball theories!
There is a lot about the franchise that is either contradictory or shouldn't be taken too seriously. For example the anime often shows a realistic globe of the Earth or a view from space with identifiable continents.
But a map of the "Dragon World" is slightly askew.

This perhaps lends to two completely bonkers theories: Dragon World is basically Arda (as in Middle Earth, Hobbits and shit) or Planetos (as in Wars of the Roses, continent-sized empires, dragons!)
OK maybe not, but one can actually connect Toriyama's world with Tolkien's. Both have dragons, gods, werewolves and vampires as well as collectible jewels!

The map often given is reminiscent of that of "Planetos".
The reason a fantasy world maybe set in the distant past of Earth is to do with those titular dragon balls. This is also why the world is also so apparently depopulated.
Someone wished to be
King of the World!!!!
A World Government would require advanced technology or at least a global communication network.
There is a lot about the franchise that is either contradictory or shouldn't be taken too seriously. For example the anime often shows a realistic globe of the Earth or a view from space with identifiable continents.
But a map of the "Dragon World" is slightly askew.

This perhaps lends to two completely bonkers theories: Dragon World is basically Arda (as in Middle Earth, Hobbits and shit) or Planetos (as in Wars of the Roses, continent-sized empires, dragons!)
OK maybe not, but one can actually connect Toriyama's world with Tolkien's. Both have dragons, gods, werewolves and vampires as well as collectible jewels!

The map often given is reminiscent of that of "Planetos".

The reason a fantasy world maybe set in the distant past of Earth is to do with those titular dragon balls. This is also why the world is also so apparently depopulated.
Someone wished to be
King of the World!!!!
A World Government would require advanced technology or at least a global communication network.
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