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Star Wars fan theories

Fan theories and alternative scenarios.

1. Dooku is the good guy.
An alternative scenario could have the same events shown in the preludes but with Dooku starting a rebellion to overthrow Darth Sidious. Dooku hopes to give the Jedi the opportunity to assume governorship of the Republic. It is for this reason that he kidnaps Palpatine. The clone army was simply ordered in secret by Palpatine, who later lets slip to Anakin that there may be "unexpected aid" on a distant planet unknown to the Jedi i.e., said clone army.

2. Padme seduces Anakin so the Jedi Order will survive through their children. He basically marries her for religious/traditional reasons.

3. Similarly, it was planned that, if Kenobi and Qui-Gonn were stranded on Tatooine, they would have Jedi children with Padme and Shmi. This is for the same reasons as 2, or to produce an alternative (or "spare") Jedi Order in case the original were ever to be corrupted or eliminated.

4. Padme is being trained as a Jedi, or at least undergoes similar training, in order for her to cheat death and/or commune with Qui-Gon Jinn's remnant in the Force. This enables her to act as a mentor to Leia (perhaps).   

5. Yoda assumed that he would train Luke while Obi-wan Kenobi would train Leia. This is why Leia is not trained, or Kenobi contacted, earlier. Luke would inevitably follow his father and become a pilot, leading his eventually to Yoda's refuge on Dagobah.  

6. Anti-aging drugs are common in the Republic, but rare in the outer rim systems. This is why Obi-wan has aged so much (Yoda too) in the interim but, at the height of the Republic, Count Dooku can fight Anakin, a much younger man.

7. Sidious is keeping Vader alive through the Force, as he must have also done with Shmi, and only his physical pain keeps him going. Otherwise he would choose to commit suicide over all the deaths he caused.

8. Access to the so-called "zero point" is a ubiquitous technology during the period in which the seven films are set. The problem with zero point energy is in controlling the amount of energy received. Starships, therefore, require constant "refuelling"; the "fuel" being an unspecified, but also explosive (!), coolant.


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