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Vulcan sex

Vulcan Sex: A Fan-Fic-Theory

First Contact is set eleven-ish years after a supposed third world war. The reasons for World War Three are not given and there is no real evidence to suggest that the conflict was actually fought with nuclear weapons. Certainly, if it was it seems incredibly doubtful that there would still be any one left alive by the time of Zeframe Cochrane's first warp flight.

All we can go on is Riker's statistic of 600 million casualties and Data's estimate of the date by the proportion of radioactive particles in the atmosphere. Perhaps the war sterilised most of the population but contact with aliens was soon enough so that said aliens (the Vulcans) could provide inoculations against the long-term effects of radiation? I would even go further and suggest that the Vulcans indulged in large-scale genetic engineering of the human population. The result being that humans could also breed with members of other humanoid species. 

It could be possible that all forms of cancer had already been cured by this point. This could explain the lack of "long-term" casualties a nuclear war would have been expected to produce. The cause of a possible nuclear war could be the proposed "death of sperm". The lack of births would effect the global economy dramatically and could see a revival of the eugenics movement. I propose that the Eugenics War described in the Original Series and referred to in Enterprise could be a civil war or otherwise one limited to the continental United States of America and is a prelude to a greater conflict.

A second theory is that the Earth-Romulan war was deliberately started/orchestrated by the Vulcan High Command. Knowing that peaceful contact with the Romulans would know what this made more sense in my head. Anyhoo, the only contact during the war was between each others ships. Face to face contact between humans and Romulans was never made. Therefore, humanity had no idea of a connection between Vulcans and Romulans. If this had been revealed earlier, humanity would probably have turned against what were effectively benign colonisers, perhaps with Romulan or Klingon support. The founding of the United Federation of Planets sometime after the Romulan war made sure that no planet or species would have dominance within its borders.  


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