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Rebooting Firefly

Rebooting "Firefly"/ What is Inara running away from?
In this version, Inara is the owner-captain of Serenity. I feel this makes more sense than a poor war-veteran like Mal being the owner. Although Serenity is a second-hand spaceship it isn't really as believable for Mal and Zoe to have been able to afford.

If Inara really is the inspiration behind the Mona Lisa, it makes sense that she would want to hide this so a nomadic existence makes a lot of sense. As a Companion she can always find work on any colony. The reason she travels with, say Mal, Zoe, Simon and Wash is she could only emigrate from the colony she was previously based at by pretending to be married to Mal. Zoe is "married" to Simon and Wash is their pilot-mechanic.

The other characters are introduced later, the first being Jane and the second being River, who had been in stasis since Simon joined the crew.

Are some Reavers only pretending to be Reavers?

As they appear to be able to increase their number, perhaps they achieve this by intercepting lone spacecraft and introducing the Pax to the ship's atmosphere. The crew and any passengers are all knocked out ,with there always being a possibility that one or more would have the opposite reaction from the gas-they will also become a Reaver.

An alternative is that, after seeing what happens when Reavers attack unaffected Humans, there will always be survivors who mimic Reaver behaviour by mutilating their bodies and eating/raping non-Reavers. 

As the first process would be difficult to achieve in an open atmosphere, perhaps the latter process is always a possibility. This does beg the question of why the Reavers only orbit Miranda, they do not actually live on the moon of their creation. Perhaps the Reaver's very real rage was due to anger at what the Alliance did to the Miranda colonists. Perhaps some were affected by the Pax in a negative way, but presumably those affected in the opposite-to-desired way had enough sense to quickly escape in any landed spaceship they could find.

Hand-of-Blue Are-Immortal-Too?

One could conceive of a secret Highlander-style society of immortals. When the Alliance between the United States and China was created they were behind it. Over time, some lost their humanity and were only good as assassins or enforcers for the Alliance they founded.

The escape from Earth.

I'm sure I had something specific planned here, showing the evacuation of Old Earth-the how and the why and the wherefore. The point, I suppose, would be to specify details and perhaps show what happened to those left behind. It might make sense to show perhaps Book being raised on a refugee ship, heading towards the system containing the Alliance.


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