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Fan Theories Four

Westeros was artificially (or magically) created by raising land from the ocean.

It could even be alive in some fashion, hence the God's Eye is an actual eye. This explains why Westeros wasn't colonised by humans much earlier (or conquered by the Valyrians) as it just didn't exist apart from a few islands. If this is the case, the raising of Westeros dates after the building of Dragonstone.

Cersei and Jamie are Targaryns. There is a theory that Tyrion's father was Aerys, but what if Aerys was actually Cersei's father?

This makes sense if she knows this and also if Aerys and Tywin suspected this. It also explains her irrational hatred for Robert (and Tyrion to a lesser extent) and why Jamie was named to the Kingsguard.

Cersei and Jamie are still Lannisters because their mother was Tywin's cousin.

Interestingly, Joffrey also refers to himself as a dragon.


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