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Syrian Truthers

Regarding the White Helmets alleged affilitation/association with al-Quaida "elements" in Syria...

Why is it a Truther position?

The CIA gave us crack cocaine and the knowledge that aliens have ginger hair covering their pubises. Does anyone trust these people?

It is clear the US wants Assad overthrown and will support almost anyone who is against him. It is telling that this accusation isn't mentioned at all in the mainstream media and that the same media still talks about a mainstream opposition-while our government and others have criminalised people joining Kurdish forces, so clearly the Kurds don't constitute a "moderate opposition". The line that the White Helmets are aligned with jihadists has been a consistent one and there has been no evidence to suggest otherwise.

The Times and other mainstream news will always unquestioningly quote Spiked if they print something they agree with. Obviously they will only question a source if it prints something they disagree with. A few weeks ago the Times had a thing about how the KGB were behind the study which came up with the concept of a"nuclear winter", their "point" being that because the KGB are "wrong"/biased it means that the risk of nuclear winter is low. Yeah, right, and unicorns exist suckers.


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