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Fan Theories Seven

Star Trek's Data had a field commission before attending Starfleet Academy.

This website points out that  Data joined Starfleet shortly (2341 CE) after being rescued but was still at the academy in 2378*.

If both dates** are correct then perhaps Data didn't become a officer until 2278 because he joined as an enlisted man. At some point either he was required to serve on the bridge or as part of an away team. Both require an officer's commission to participate so I would imagine that Data was given a field commission by his commanding officer (the captain of the Trieste?) in order to do so.

To be promoted further Data then had to attend the academy. It is possible that Miles O'Brien went through the same process but that he declined academy attendance in order to take the position of Transporter Chief on the USS Enterprise-D.

On closer inspection I appear to be wearing loafers.

*The first series of Star Trek: The Next Generation actually begins in 2364. The '78 may be a reference to a "stardate", or the writers got their in-universe facts wrong. 

However, this theory may still apply to O'Brien, Data.
...and Reginald Barclay.

When Data joined Starfleet his very sentience was in question. Therefore, it seems unlikely that they would allow an android who had only been activated for four years to become a cadet. 

Considering the apparent size of Starfleet (7000 ships(?) and over 500 bases) and there only being one academy, it seems probable that many officers received their commissions in this manner. It may be that promotions are based on the number of transfers an officer receives. This explains why Barclay is still a junior lieutenant (he'd be too old) and Harry Kim never gets promoted during the entire seven year run of Voyager.

Or the writers of Star Trek have no idea how a regular military operates. Not that Starfleet is a regular military.

**I'd also point out that the actual year is rarely mentioned with all specific dates being described using the "stardate" system (which is incomprehensible).

Also, commander Maddox is too young to have denied Data his commission in 2341.


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