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Fan Fic Three

Obvious Plot Points Which "Revenge of the Sith" Missed


Some Changes Which Make the Narrative Better.

1. The Jedi know Padme will die because of Anakin's visions but they are resigned to her death.

2. Anakin suspects Qui-Gonn and Dooku conspired to create the clone army.

3. Anakin suspects Qui-Gonn and Dooku conspired to start the clone war.

4. Anakin therefore suspects Dooku is communing with Qui-Gonn.

6. This is based on Anakin's vision which shows Qui-Gonn being able to communicate with his wife, despite being dead.

He is actually killed by the "clone progenitor (CP)", not Darth Maul, who is in turn killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi in slightly altered version of Episode Two.

7. Qui-Gonn Jinn was once Dooku's master, not the other way around.

8. Anakin thinks Qui-Gonn Jinn is still Dooku's apprentice.

9. This "chain of command" leaves Anakin suspecting his own former master.

10. Padme is actually able to become one with the Force, thus leaving Luke and Leia behind.

Weird way to give birth I know, but it seemed appropriate and also allows for an eventual reunion with Anakin after "Return of the Jedi". It also allows for the quick pregnancy/apparent lack of pregnancy (then gives birth and dies within a few days).

11. Padme is taught this technique by the spirit of Qui-Gonn Jinn during her coma.

12. In this version of "Star Wars", Humans were once all able to "become one with the Force". Over time this knowledge was lost and only kept by the Jedi Order. Eventually even the Jedi forgot about this technique until it was discovered post-death by Qui-Gonn Jinn.

13. After a surprise attack on both the Jedi Temple and the cloning facilities on Kamino, the Separatist leader Count Dooku contacts the Jedi and the senate with a peace proposal.  

14. Kenobi and Padme travel to Mustafar to meet with Dooku but he is killed by General Grievous after he tries to shut down the droid army.

15. Kenobi defeats Grievous, which automatically shuts down the droid army.

16. Coming to believe there is a mole in the senate, the Jedi arrest Palpatine. 

He is held in the Jedi Temple, which was reinforced by a company of clone troopers after the droid attack. 

17. Anakin fights Kenobi and strands him and Padme on Mustafar.

Padme is left in a coma.

18. He then rescues Palpatine from the Jedi Temple.

There are many casualties.

19. After Order 66 is initiated Anakin turns on Palpatine, based on a vision he has (as shown in the comic Darth Vader and the Lost Command) of him and Padme ruling a post-Palpatine galaxy.

Sidious showed Anakin a vision of a galaxy where Padme, Anakin, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gonn Jinn were left stranded on Tatooine. The clone wars happened anyway after Senator Palpatine was exposed as a Sith Lord. The Jedi were able to raise a clone army with complete loyalty to them outside of interference by the Sith.

20. He is saved by Yoda's intervention. 

This proved that the Jedi were not extinct and could still pose a threat to Palpatine's rule, which Anakin still (mostly) supports.

21. Yoda dismembers Anakin then proceeds to challenge Sidious.

22. Their fight is cut short by Sidious returning to his office to save Vader.

23. A repaired Vader returns to Mustafar to finish off Obi-Wan Kenobi.

This takes much of Padme's pregnancy, a condition which was only in fact known to her and Kenobi. 

24. Kenobi defeats Vader and escapes with a comatose Padme in his ship, who gives birth in exile (see above). 

25. He also had proof that the Sith were behind the clone wars in the form of the remains of General Grievous.

Who was in fact a resurrected cyborg version of CP with a new personality installed. 

The End.


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