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Fan Fic Four

I want to reboot Stargate SG-1 and connect it properly with the spin-off Stargate Atlantis and the Arthurian mythology introduced in the Ori story arc

A few plot points (and ideas of mine I liked generally)

1. The stargate was originally discovered in Antarctica during Operation High Jump

2. Captain Jane Guinevere replaces Daniel Jackson when he spends a year (or so) as an Ancient

3. The Ancients developed FTL travel but could not use it without instantly Ascending.

They therefore

4. built the Gate-building ships and sent them off into the wider galaxy/universe

5. Once, sentient beings would automatically Ascend if they are aboard a ship entering hyperspace. A group of Ancients, at some point, actually travelled back in time to slightly alter the laws of physics to prevent this from happening  
6. The Ancients became obsessed with Ascending but also feared the rise of the Goa'uld
7. Those Ancients who had already Ascended, afterward now solely referred to as Ancients, again changed the physical laws-their descendants would begin to Ascend as soon as they reached puberty   

8. This faction became known as the Lanteans and were exiled to the Pegasus Galaxy for fear of becoming Goa'uld hosts

Before this, the Lanteans relocated Humans from Earth to millions of planets in the Pegasus Galaxy

9. The "Remainder Faction" of the Ancients became known as the Ori

10. At an Some Ancient faction (or an outside power) spread Human societies throughout the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies

11. The Lanteans eventually divided into two opposing societies: the Wraith and the Asgard.

The Wraith were the side-effect of postponing Ascension indefinitely

12. Emerging as a distinct race over a thousand years after the Wraith, the  Asgard were a result of Lantean attempts to stave off death using cloning and personality downloading; initially every time a Lantean died a new clone was gestated with the full memories of its donor but eventually each Asgard was replaced with a fully-adult clone as soon as they died, or as soon as one could be grown

13. A number of Lanteans remained in the Milky Way; specifically in their city in Antarctica

These Remainders were soon joined by survivors of the Wraith-Lantean war. The Ori prevented the majority of them from Ascending. Their descendants soon spread out over the de-populated Earth. The Ori scattered many throughout the Milky Way to prevent a civilisation developing which could threaten them. 

Eventually the Asgard were themselves defeated by the Wraith. They made a treaty with the Goa'uld and Ori that Earth would not develop an orbital defence system. In return, the Goa'uld and Ori would refrain from developing and building their own starships. This was nearly violated unwittingly during the Reagan administration: Star Wars forced the Asgard to contact Earth and inform them of the Goa'uld threat. Unfortunately they contacted Ronald Reagan and he thought he was talking to angels so they tried, then head of the CIA, George HW Bush instead.
The origins of the Stargate Programme date from this time.

Jack, Sam and Daniel are recruited to solve a foothold situation. They persuade Teal'c that the Goa'uld are not gods and do not deserve worship because of the atrocities they have committed. The same SG-1 team are transported to the Pegasus Galaxy when the Lost City is discovered. Unfortunately, doing so violates the Asgard treaty and the Ori begin constructing starships. Certain Goa'uld factions had already been secretly constructing starships ever since Daniel returned from his Ascended state: it eventually transpired that he returned to warn Stargate Command about the Ori but the Ancients removed his memories.

While in Atlantis, SG-1 are able to access all the Lantean technology as they all carry the correct genes: unlike the Wraith and the Pegasus humans who were unable to access all of the left-behind Lantean technology.

At some point Stargate Command work out that Captain Guinevere is an Ancient, as were Arthur, Bedivere and Merlin, all on the anti-Ori side, as she apparently seems to hold similar knowledge as Daniel Jackson.

Eventually, SG-1 use recovered Ancient technology to defeat the Ori, who reveal themselves after a galaxy-wide revolt against the Goa'uld. 


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