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I wonder if Richard Ault is aware of this quote: Democracy is three sheep and a wolf arguing over what to have for dinner.

I say this because despite what Spiked believe universities are not Stalinist bastions of oppression. Spiked grew out of Living Marxism. Before that they were the (allegedly) Revolutionary Communist Party. Now they have embraced a strange but unfortunately fashionable cult called "libertarian anarcho-capitalism".

Some of these people call themselves Ancaps, but really their ideology states that democracy is equal to Fascism and that the ideal government is a military dictatorship styled on the former Pinochet regime in Chile. Freedom of speech for them means that all forms of pornography-even animal or child abuse-should be legalised, seemingly regardless of the tragic consequences. I am not making this up! This is a stated goal of the Von Mises Institute and Claire Fox, of Spiked/Sp!ked, has in the past defended possession of child abuse images (regarding the disgraced rock star Gary Glitter).

No Platform policies exist to protect people from individuals and organisations with hidden agendas. For example "Tommy Robinson"  (not his real name). Now, what does he want? He wants to demonise Muslims. This, taken to it's logical conclusion, will undoubtedly lead to a new Holocaust of Muslims and their "supporters". No Platform does not deny freedom of speech. It should exist to protect vulnerable individuals from being seduced by charlatans with easy solutions and hidden agendas.    


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