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Star Wars Edit Two

The Whole Saga. Well, more or less really.

Should the Jedi really not look a gift horse in the mouth by trusting in the clone army?

Shouldn't Return of the Jedi fit in better with The Force Awakens/vice versa?

Is it right for Disney to completely disregard the former Expanded Universe?

How could the saga be changed to adopt to these points?

(With regards to the first point)

It transpires that Darth Maul originally ordered the clone army before apparently being killed on Naboo.

It would help the viewer if the Jedi were to be seen (or mentioned) finding this out in Revenge of the Sith.    

So, in this case.....

A Jedi Master, Dooku, leaves the order. Declaring himself a Count, he establishes the Separatist movement, with the aim of drawing out the real Sith Lord. He even has an apprentice.*

This ultimately leads to him (Dooku) turning to the Dark Side and finding out, too late, that Palpatine is the real Sith Lord. In despair he becomes Sidious' apprentice.

Attack of the Clones is more or less filmed the same. However, Padme would have more agency if she insists on investigating her own would-be assassination, leading her to recruit Kenobi and Skywalker to help her as a result of the senate's apathy. Which leads to....
"Revenge of the Sith" starts more-or-less the same. Palpatine kidnapped etc.. However, the planetary blockade/siege of Coruscant lasts around three/four months and is broken only by the establishment of the New Order. The Jedi are subtly blamed for prolonging the war by their campaigns in the Outer Rim star systems (which the "species-ists" in the senate don't really give a hoot about, hence support for the Separatists in the first place) 

Dooku is killed by Anakin and "General Grievous", who is revealed to be Darth Maul.

Palpatine exposes his identity as Darth Sidious by encouraging his former apprentice to turn on his current apprentice.

Thus, Anakin and Maul together finally slay Dooku.

Kenobi wakes (from previously being knocked out by Dooku's force lightning). He promptly
follows Grievous/Maul to Mustafar. Meanwhile, Anakin and Palpatine escape Dooku's flagship. Arriving on Mustafar, Maul immediately kills all the Separatist leaders in hiding there, on Sidious' orders.

<Either this happens:
The death of Count Dooku effectively sends a pre-programmed signal to all the clones ordering them to turn on their Jedi commanders. Dooku has a dead-man's switch set up to achieve his revenge on the Jedi (for supporting a Sith chancellor) and the Sith if he is killed.

Order 66 is activated by Palpatine at some after his identity is revealed and Anakin challenges him>

By killing all (or most) of the Jedi knights, the Sith are deprived of any new recruits. Or at least as far as Dooku is concerned. Sidious knows of this, but doesn't much care as he plans to train Anakin and share with him the lost secret of Sith immortality.

The Separatists land droid troops on Coruscant.

They occupy much of the senate building and assault the Jedi temple from land and air. Super Battle Droids manage to eliminate all the Jedi in the Temple, including Masters, Padawans and Younglings while Probe Droids follow and target any survivors trying to escape.  

Despite the droid occupation, five surviving Jedi (lead by Yoda) are allowed to enter the senate building and make their way unmolested to Palpatine's office. This is done in the assumption that Palpatine is working with the Sith Lord to undermine the Republic. 

When they arrive they are shocked to see Anakin seemingly holding the Chancellor hostage, with a lightsaber held to his neck. Anakin announces to the entering Jedi that Palpatine is the Sith Lord. While he is saying this, Sidious uses the Force to skewer two of the Jedi with red lightsabers then launches Force lightning at Yoda and Anakin.

Anakin turns on the two remaining Jedi when Palpatine (saying what Anakin is probably thinking) that the Jedi will never be able to escape the senate building with a hostage and will be forced to kill Palpatine there and then. Further, the senate would never stand for their leader to be executed so the Jedi will be forced to kill them too.  

Sidious escapes through the ceiling using his lightsabers with Yoda and (Mace Windu?) in pursuit while Anakin battles the last Jedi (Kit Fisto?). Fisto nearly slays Anakin but is shot in the back several times by clone troopers entering through the office window (as in the Clone Wars episode "Hostage Crisis"). Anakin, actually losing his other arm at this point but is too angry to notice at first, directs the clones to follow Yoda.

The clones target the other Jedi but lose Yoda. <Palpatine initiates Order 66>.  Anakin agree to become Sidous' apprentice if he ends the war at his end.

Anakin/Vader persuades Padme to allow him to borrow her starship to break the blockade. She agrees but insists she go with him. In an unarmed starship, they are allowed to pass through the blockade. Padme still trusts Anakin at this point, but turns on him when he fights Obi-Wan: she fires at the bridge they are battling on, both Jedi fall to their apparent deaths but R2-D2 fires a tow cable at Kenobi, allowing him to escape unscathed.  

To end the war the senate is forced to declare the end of the Republic and the establishment of the First Galactic Empire. This allows Palpatine to nationalise the Trade Federation and other bodies which supplied droid soldiers to the Separatists.

Vader still implements the droid shut-down order on Mustafar. The Separatist fleet orbiting Coruscant becomes incorporated/recylced into the newly-established Imperial Navy. 
*Darth Maul is still alive. Now a cyborg, (and initially) cut off from the Force and general of the droid armies.

A change in the time line:

Three years prior to Naboo, while impersonating a Jedi, Darth Maul commissions the clone army.

<Post Naboo Dooku introduces the programming.>

The clone war starts eight years after Naboo, still within Palpatine's second term as Chancellor. One thing I have found very odd is that it is never properly explained how an elected head of state (so to speak) can still be around after ten years, other than Anakin's vague explanation in Sith that "the senate demanded the Chancellor stay on".

The political situation regards post-Endor is explained with the revelation that several Imperial officials staged a coup on Coruscant in Palpatines's absence. 

In other words, while Darths Sidious and Vader were distracted by the Endor affair, the Empire was taken over. This effectively made the Rebels victory moot and, more importantly, doesn't make the plot of The Force Awakens look tacked-one.

Basically the Empire is still in power (albeit much reduced) in the Core sectors, while the Rebellion established an "Outer Rim Alliance".

Rouge Planet, Outbound Flight,Shadows of the Empire, the Courtship of Princess Leia and the Thrawn trilogy are now semi canon.


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