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What would you do?

What would you do if you knew you had a hundred years to live?
Perhaps you wouldn't care.
What if you knew you had a hundred years to act before you knew society would collapse?

Perhaps you are obsessed with the threat from Russia, overpopulation or migration?
Perhaps you know about climate change but don't care.
But imagine how our government would act if humanity's biggest threat wasn't itself but another species? All governments, yours and mine, would be on a perpetual war footing.

So why don't we all REBEL?
Because twenty years ago we collectively had a hundred years to live.
Twenty years ago it would have been reasonable for:
1. The Pope and the Catholic Church to embrace contraception
2. Ditto the American Right
3. The UK government to ban people from driving a petrol-driven car on a Sunday
4. The UK government to give free bus travel to everyone under 25 and the unemployed
5. Governments around the world to replace coal powered methods of generating electricity with nuclear or geothermal plants and off-shore wind farms
6. Solar plants to be built in sunny countries
7. Wind farms to be built in windy countries
8. All roads to be painted white to reflect heat to tackle this problem.


Ten years from now children will be suing their parents for bringing them into a doomed world.
Twenty years from now people will be asking: why didn't more people put solar panels on their roofs?
Thirty years from now it would be necessary to ban people from having children, eating meat and dairy products and travelling by plane. 

Fifty years from now people will be saying if they banned cars that would have given work to millions of rickshaw drivers

Seventy years from now politicians and think-tanks will begin to speak openly about the need to "euthanize" the populations of developing countries. These drastic measures will be supported in humanitarian terms in order to "ease suffering".

So what is it necessary to do now?


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