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Fan fic 7 (really 7)

B5-the reboot.
The time-travel shenanigans are due to the B5 command staff bringing Babylon 4 to their future. This is done because the station had been destroyed by the Centauri five years earlier.  
The war with the Minbari-and Delenn's mysterious pregnancy (this was supposed to be a big deal in my original idea for a reboot, with everyone from Lennir to G'kar a suspect, along with the Shadows being defeated in the past through the actions of the B5 command staff)-had been halted when the Grey Council discovered that Sheridan was in fact a Minbari, surgically altered to look human.

Or, that was in my original line of thinking.

The B4 issue always end up confusing me-does it go forward in time or does it go back?-my thinking now is that it is sent back in time, but totally accidentally, and with Babylon 5's original commander aboard. But he isn't called Jeffery/John Sinclair because having two characters with the same initials annoys me so Kosh/Sinclair (I'm keeping the idea that he becomes Kosh, so that when Sheridan takes command of B5, Kosh was either there all along or was yet to arrive) becomes James O'Connnor. So, I dunno, he's Martian and Irish I guess (!).

Babylon 4 is built just before the Earth-Minbari war. When the war gets going, the Grey Council discover that humans had built the station of their salvation and immediately issue the order to surrender. The warrior caste don't entirely take this order seriously and launch a final attack on Earth. John Sheridan is one of the few survivors of the Battle of the Line. He is also the first human the Grey Council come into contact with, being captured during a failed peace initiative during the war and held prisoner for over a year.

The five-year arc of Babylon 5 is more or less as originally filmed, but it ends with the Centauri destroying both Babylon 5 and the Epsilon jump gate. The command staff, crew, ambassadors and residents evacuate to Epsilon 3-where they discover that the Great Machine can act as a time machine. Five years after the Centauri War, Sheridan, Delenn, Marcus and Susan Ivanova do a redo of the "War Without End" two-parter albeit with Delenn giving no information about Babylon 4's role in saving the Minbari from the Shadows.

So, the mission does not go as planned-the station (B4) goes a few years forward in time in order to evacuate the original staff but the station goes back in time a thousand years with O'Connor stranded aboard when he tries to evacuate the stations crew. With the Shadows now defeated, time is altered. Babylon 5 was destroyed by renegade elements in the Minbari warrior caste instead of the Centauri, Earth is no longer a dictatorship (and never was) and the Shadows have no influence on the Psi Corps (and never did). 

Thus, a new five year arc begins...the newly founded Interstellar Alliance adapts a Warlock-class cruiser with Centauri artificial gravity and Vorlon adaptive-shields in order for Sheridan to locate Babylon 4. It transpires it was sent adrift deliberately so that no one Minbari caste would have control over it. Kosh reveals himself to be James O'Connor and resumes titular command over the Babylon project from Epsilon 3. In the meantime a new jump gate was constructed.

PS The Narns hate the Centauri because the Centauri stole the Narn jump gate in order to sell it to the Earth Alliance.


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