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Fan Theories 15

Pokémon Fan Theories:

Sooooooo, big essay or just notes and hopes that people can understand my inane ramblings?
Well, I'll try and do both.
I think the reason is that a brief comparison requires too many outside references and a large article just seems like rambling on to make one look more intelligent than one actually is. 

So, really a comment on society. 

Which is what all good (science) fiction really is. 
And you can really learn something from it.

Pokémon bears comparisons with the work of Arthur C. Clarke and Joe Haldeman, particularly the novels "Childhood's End" and "Forever Free".

Forever Free is a direct sequel to Haldeman's war novel The Forever War.

At the end of a group entity called "Man" is in charge of Earth. 

Forever Free introduces beings who could, conceivably, actually be Pokémon: a hitherto hidden race of shape-shifters. The apparent clone nature of the Jennies and Joys is also conveniently explained here: Joys and Jennies are simply female "Man".

Childhood's End is even more straightforward in identifying just who and what Pokémon really are.

(First Scenario- ) Pokémon are Overlords, Humans are humans 

(Second Scenario-) Humans are the Overlords
In either case, "You teach me and I'll teach you".

Another theory of mine states that the Pokémon anime represents an advanced version of the role-playing game.

This means that the (levelled-down hand-held version of the Pokémon) RPG is the real story of Pokémon.

Pokémon live in reserves and always hide from humans.

They do appear to prospective trainers, however, in order to battle their Pokémon.

Other Pokémon in the RPG are wild Pokémon who come from other regions and battle either for territorial reasons or to increase their experience.

There are also Pokémon who were abandoned by their trainers.

The anime is representative of a video game because the central character, Ash, never ages and the nurses/policewomen are each identical. The player is always behind The Rival-Gary Oak-in terms of progress. In turn, Jesse, James and Meowth (Team Rocket) are always behind (and following) the player.

Pokémon is set in the same Galaxy as the Culture and Warhammer 40,000. Pokémon trainers are recruits/initiates/cadets hoping to gain admittance into the military-bureaucracy-priesthood of the revived "Neo-Azadian" Empire. In other words Pokémon is an updated version of the Azad game which chooses the Azadian emperor. 

Pokémon is set in a world similar to that portrayed in Philip K. Dick's novel "The Man in the High Castle". The United States either never existed or was (partially) conquered by Japan. Hence the cross-over of cultures in the games and anime.

Ash is really transgendered.

Ash is a Culture agent.

Pikachu is a Culture agent.

Team Rocket (Jesse, James and Meowth) are Culture agents. Their incompetence is a deliberate plot to impede the efforts of the Team Rocket organisation.


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