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I don't think a better critique of Libertarianism exists than the South Park episode "Chicken Fucker". It is pretty clear that libertarians prefer morons running around committing carnal acts with poultry is preferable to such evil collective acts as taxation. 

So, don't read this, watch Chickenlover instead!

I honestly don't know if political libertarianism can be taken seriously. Anything one can come up with would be instantly derided. It's as if libertarianism is it's own critique.

For example, libertarians argue that TAXATION IS THEFT but there has been support for conscription (Friedrich F. Hayek) alongside a generally worrying trend towards militarism (Robert Heinlein et al). But if the only legitimate way to get children to learn to read is to commit bestiality then they aren't going to grow up to become useful soldiers. So, some elementary education has to be publicly provided. Plus, the government should build roads.

Perhaps people would volunteer their labour for these ends:
1. Maintaining the schools
2. Maintaining the roads
3. Maintaining the military/standing army?
Presumably, perhaps, for receiving or maintaining citizenship (see "Starship Troopers")?

But if the volunteers or conscripts are not paid, then citizenship is only for the rich.
This is where libertarians go down the rabbit hole towards fascism-because what can you call a system which deprives people of the democratic franchise? There is even support for denying the vote based on IQ scores. Although, who administers these tests? Presumably THE GUMPT'!

Perhaps this circle can be squared by having a system which does provide a minimum of either income or basic welfare, if only to the offspring of citizens or potential citizens. Because, in reality, the state will require a workforce educated to degree-level and beyond. This could simply mean that a basic citizen's income is provided for individuals aged, say from 18 to 25 and elementary education is offered to the children of citizens.

King Banker

Maybe a libertarian state would have a banker as it's head. Loans would be provided to local government/communities and individuals. Some personal debts would be cancelled after a random period (say seven years?). Taxes would be raised over a limited period to pay off any excess debt.

Talking about do you square this circle and can you connect this with citizenship requirements?

An idea is to have a very low flat rate of income tax alongside a Universal Minimum Income programme.
If the income tax rate is 12% with a UMI/UBI of £8000 p.a. then no-one will pay any income tax if they earn £50K a year or less. Of course, this means giving £8000 a year to those freeloaders.
Local government is empowered to lower the effective income tax threshold to £22K p.a. and can place taxes on inheritance, property sales and currency production (see below*).
The state can increase the income tax rate for a period of two years if necessary.

I'd imagine the square is circled if citizenship is basically limited to those who served in the military or education/maintenance services before the age of twenty-five or passed an IQ test on or before turning eighteen.
Residents over the age of twenty-five can gain and retain their citizenship for four year periods if they pay a regular poll tax or earn over £50K annually.

What do citizens gain?

The right to own and inherit property
The right to issue promissory notes  
The right to join and form a labour union
*The right to issue one's own currency

Those who enlisted in the military early and completed three year's mandatory service
or passed an extensive IQ test receive their citizenship when they reach the age of 25.
Entrants can opt to complete a four-year officer training programme, in which case they become citizens immediately after graduation.
This is basically the same as going to university for four years, with the addition of gaining citizenship and a commission on graduating. In return for free tuition, Graduates (and all citizens over the age of twenty-five) are placed in the category of Reserves. This means they can be called up at any time for any kind of work, mostly teaching and other civilian jobs, for a period of at least six months.

Weird Shit

Why is the Libertarian philosophy unpopular?
(default answer perhaps)
(even though) it considers taxation theft , it does not consider:
Capitalism to be (by definition) exploitative
Marriage to be prostitution
Rent to be extortion 
Prisons to be concentration camps
the State (by definition) to be a terrorist organisation.


I hope people reading this can make their own conclusions and can get an idea of how strange libertarianism really is nowadays. One can only conclude that it has degenerated into a stick conservatives can use to beat the left with


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