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Fan fiction five (actually six)

Rebooting Babylon 5 

A Work In Progress with Fan Theories: Consider this a first draft/beta version dear reader 

A Summary

John Sinclair is the first commander of Babylon 5. He disappears at the end of his first year of command.
Captain Jeffery Sheridan is sent to assume command of B5 and to investigate the disappearance of his predecessor.
Unfortunately the appearance of the human the MInbari know as "Star KIller" provokes a drastic series of events which lead to a second Minbari war and the eventual destruction of Babylon 5.

An Introduction  

Babylon 5 is a science-fiction television series and several short-lived spin-offs and television movies. It is an example of a space-opera and military science fiction. It concerns the crew, diplomats and assorted humans, aliens, chancers and riff-raff living aboard a diplomatic space station in the middle of the 23rd century.  

When the series starts, humanity has narrowly avoided being exterminated by a vastly superior force in the form of the Minbari Federation. Humanity, represented by the Earth Alliance, is suddenly finding itself courted by an older, decaying civilisation in the form of the Centauri Republic, who are desperate to form an alliance with Earth.  
The Earth Alliance is (now) one of five major federation-civilisations;
the fourth being the militant Narn Regime and the fifth being the enigmatic Vorlon Empire.

The four major species are humanoid, as are the majority of the "League of Non-Aligned Worlds", but nothing is known of the real identity and form of the Vorlons.

The Babylon Project was a means to create the peace and prevent another war. Five stations were built to achieve this goal. The first three were sabotaged. The fourth and largest seemingly vanished.

Doing things differently, doing things the same

In a reboot the Minbari war resumes. This doesn't occur originally but was originally supposed to occur. Ideally there would be no cast changes and events occur assuming this to be the case.
My main idea is that "John" Sinclair is really a Minbari. This is discovered during the war but the Grey Council conspire to keep this a secret. As I have implied he becomes stranded in the distant past and is later discovered by his replacement "Jeffery" Sheridan (I swapped the character's first names around) living on Z'ha'dum, the homeworld of the feared Shadows.
My conceit is that one cannot die before one is born so Sinclair is able to assume the role the character Lorien plays in the original version.
Sheridan still travels to Z'ha'dum with his ex-wife in the hope that he can end the Shadow war.
There is a bit more to the Shadow-Vorlon conflict than ideological differences. The Shadows are genuinely afraid of telepaths and telekinetics. They are also afraid of what the younger races could or would do if they found out about the Shadow's existence. Therefore, the Shadows, mainly through their dupes and agents/allies, endeavor to promote conflict between the younger races in the hopes that if they don't destroy each over at least they would be a bit distracted from bothering the Older Races/Elder Ones/First Ones. 

A few questions about the original series

Just how did various alien races manage to travel to earth and even influence its history before the Centauri allegedly built Earth's jump gate? Did everyone have amnesia or something?
Vorlons: Took "Sebastian" from 19th century London
Apparently engineered human telepaths
Soul Hunters: Apparently visited Earth many times, where they learned English
Vree and possibly Stribe and unknown race that helps the Shadows and Drakh: How did they manage to abduct so many people?
Note: a jump gate acts as a beacon as well as a method of transit so if say the Vorlons had jump-capable ships they'd still need to know where they are going.

Future History   

2035-2045: France and Denmark leave the European Union. Earth's jump-gate is stolen by the Centauri and sold to the Narns.

2045: Beginning of the "Arcology movement", with the first arcology built in Australia.  Others follow: Siberia in 2048, Antarctica in 2051 and the UN building in New York in 2052

2058: The first permanent colonies are established on the Moon, followed in 2062 by colonies on Mars

2070-2120: Various corporations establish mining colonies on the Moon and Mars

2080: The Earth Alliance is formed in semi-secrecy. Its main aim is to share scientific and military data, especially concerning the apparent emergence of humans born with telepathic and telekinetic abilities. Its initial sponsors are the USA, Japan and Israel. 

2080-90: The Earth Alliance constructs the first Babylon station in orbit around Venus as a base for scientific research. 

2091: The UK, France, South Africa, Switzerland, Australia and New Zealand join the EA as sponsor states

2092: The USA leaves the United Nations. Britain and France follow in 2093

2094: The UN Arcology declares itself a sovereign state

2096The United Nations creates it's own army

2098: Interplanetary eXpeditions is formed by the EA with the immediate establishment of research bases on Mars. Construction begins on Babylon 3, in lunar orbit. Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea join the Earth Alliance as sponsors.

2100: EA scientists confirm the existence of telepathy in humans. The EU expands into North Africa and begins terraforming the Sahara desert (2102). In 2110 it establishes its own navy and constructs several arcologies in the Sahara.

2112: The EA announces the discovery of tachyons. IPX sends out the first in a number of sleeper ships out to follow and investigate these signals.

2120: France secedes from the EA and exposes the existence of telepathy and telekinesis in humans. This forces the EA to set up the first version of Psi Corps.

2123: California secedes from the USA at protest over the assaults on the UNA by American terrorists. The "Bible Belt" southern US states also secede for various crazy reasons, but these mostly involve blaming Satan for creating telepaths.

2124: The USA dissolves itself and forms the "Associate States of America" with
the UK, Japan, Taiwan and Israel joining the remaining states along with the colonies on the Moon and Mars.

2125: Canada joins the European Union along with the still-intact Earth Alliance Sponsor States. This new entity calls itself the Global Alliance. Israel is expelled from the GA for failing to resolve the Palestinian conflict

2130: The UN annexes Jerusalem with GA approval after radical settlers establish "New Zion" in the Occupied Territories.

2139: The Centauri make first contact and offer to re-build Earth's jump-gate. The ASA join the Global Alliance and sell Alaska (back) to the Russian Consortium to help pay towards the extortionate costs the Centauri demand for connecting earth to the wider galaxy

2140: The African Bloc is formed

2141: Israel grants full citizenship and voting rights to all residents in it's territory, including Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank. Terrorists nuke San Diego and Babylon 3, apparently in response to this move and the continued autonomy of the UN Arcology, which now covers the whole of New York. 

2148: The Global Alliance merges with the United Nations to form the "United Allied Nations". 

(in 2150): It changes its name back to the Earth Alliance.
2150: Psi Corps re-established

2160: EA construct first jump-capable warship

2188: EA explorer vessel destroyed by Dilgar

2191: EA begins mass-production of Hyperion-class warships

2192: Dilgar War

2194: Earth Alliance forms treaty of alliance with the League of Non-aligned Worlds and the Narn Regime. Bablyon 4  is constructed in the Epsilon-Eridani system. It marks the extent of Earth's territory and is the first Babylon station to have its own propulsion system. This is specifically to transport the station from the Epsilon jump gate to the inner system. The next station is simply constructed in orbit of Epsilon 3

2207: B4 disappears

2210 First Contact with Minbari

2212 First attacks on EA outposts

2215: Earth and Minbar now on full war footing

2217: Brief truce allows construction to begin on B5

2218: Sheridan destroys the Minbari flagship "Black Star" and two support vessels

2219: Dilgar home sun underdoes nova event. The species is declared extinct

2220: April-Truce resumes and holds but sporadic fighting continues until 2229

July- Sinclair meets with Minbari leadership in hopes of ending war. His peace mission is sabotaged by the Centauri. Sinclair is captured and only release after the war has ended.

September-Grey Council order the warrior caste to surrender. They do not give a reason.

Brief rebooting

This is a version of what was originally planned: the station is destroyed so the crew go back in time to hijack Babylon 4 and bring it forward into their time. Unfortunately the station ends up travelling back in time, but the crew do place a homing beacon on board which allows them to bring it to the required time when needed.

I also think "The Babylon Station" is a stupid name. A cooler one would be "Babylon 2" for the first station, as in the second, or new, Babylon. They are also built at different times.

Let's say the first or second Babylon station was destroyed during the War of the Shining Star by separatists in the United States hoping to start a second American civil war. This period was later referred to as "World War Three" (according to the Babylon 5 wiki, this happened instead:
The third station was destroyed either by the Dilgar or the Narn, with either power hoping to gain dominance over or intimidate the Earth Alliance.

I want to confirm that the Shadows either had some influence on or were secretly running, if not the entire Earth Alliance, at least Psi Corps and Interplanetary eXpeditions (oh it's called "IPX" in the telly programme so at least I can spell it differently) since before the Minbari war. IPX, as stated has it's origisn quite early. It eventually becomes a "mega-corp", one of a few companies so powerful theyviurtually run Earth Gov.

Doing the reboot

The pilot episode is the remake of "In the beginning". Babylon 5 is constructed during this time and John Sinclair takes command. He invites Michsaal Garibaldi to be his chief of security. Five years after the treaty with the Minbari (so five years after "In the beginning") Babylon 4 reappears. Sinclair and Garibaldoi rescue oits creq but Sinclair is lewft behind when the station disappears.

Five, or so, years ;later Jeffery Sheridan is sent to investigate Sinclair's disappearance. The Narn-Centuari war had started and finished in the meantime. It is soon revealed that Sheridan is the Earth Force officer who destroyed the Black Star and suppressed the food riots on mars. In fact Mars attempts to secede from the Earth Alliance at this revelation and the Minbari warrior caste secede from the Minbari Federation.


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