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Plot ideas for a second re-boot

Despite everything my new idea (which contains a few old ones) is a redo of the original five year Babylon  5 arc. It starts off with a mystery (what happened to Sinclair?) and ends half a million years in the future. 
Arc and plot details, especially in the first three years, are relatively the same as originally broadcast. The last two years cover Delenn's pregnancy, the return of John Sinclair, the Civil War in the Earth Alliance and the final destiny of humanity.

Plot outlines by broadcast year

Year One: Arrivals and Disappearances
Babylon 5 welcomes new arrivals. Ambassador Kosh, from the Vorlon Empire, and Lyta Alexander, the resident commercial telepath are the latest long-term residents.

Year Two: Allies and Enemies
Captain Jeffery Sheridan is installed as the station's new commander, but will he help to bring peace to the galaxy or is his arrival a presage of new conflicts?

Year Three: Shadows and Reflections
Earth elects a new president but his actions encourage defections from the residents when new regulations on telepaths are imposed 

Year Four: Lines Drawn and False Peaces 
EA President Clarke blames the Minbari for attacks by mysterious foes. The League strikes at the Centauri home planet. Sheridan disappears.

Year Five: Farewells and Returns
Babylon 5 welcomes the return of her command staff but is unprepared for bittersweet departures.  

Background and plot details 
I figured there should be around twenty years between the major events involving humanity and the Earth Alliance

2070 to 2090-

Talks between various powers lead to the establishment of the "Associate States of America"
-2085 California secedes from the USA
-2090 ASA is now known as the Global Alliance: after the USA dismantled itself to avoid being literally bought by China! The GA covers the geographic (former) USA, it's overseas territories and military bases, and is joined by the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Israel, Hong Kong and Singapore.   

2090 to 2110-

The European Union expands into North Africa
Colonies are established on the Moon and, later, on Mars by the GA and EU
UN begins to investigate telepathy and telekinesis in humans
France is expelled from the UN for exposing the existence of telepaths
UN establishes the first incarnation of Psi Corps
UK and USA leave the UN
UN expels Israel
Canada joins the EU

2110 to 2130-
Texas becomes part of Mexico
Palestinians given full Israeli citizenship
Bible-belt states leave the GA 
San Diego and one of the Mars colonies are destroyed in a joint act of nuclear terrorism

2130 to 2150-
Centauri make contact with Earth, promising terraforming and jump gate technology
GA sells Alaska to the Russian Consortium (which now includes Finland and North Korea)
Canada and other EU nations join the Earth Alliance
As do: Brazil, California, Norway, Madagascar, Mexico and South Africa
New Zion established in West Bank
IPX established
It eventually becomes a "mega-corp", one of a few companies so powerful they virtually run Earth Gov
IPX uncovers a Shadow vessel in the Antarctic
The first human Technomages appear
EA builds first two Babylon stations. 
"Babylon 2" (The Second Babylon) orbits Venus  
Babylon 3 orbits Earth's Moon
United Nations disbands

Psi Corps established

"War of Shining Star" is ended by the use of advanced particle weapons EA purchases from the Narn Regime

Twenty-third century:

2238-Psi Corps bans its members from joining Earth Force
2241-Earth is briefly involved in the Dilgar War
2244-Dilgar become extinct
2244-2258-The Earth Alliance establishes a dozen colonies and official protectorates. Protectorates limit the number of human colonists allowed but Earth has control over the planet's surrounding space and its jump gate. Colonies limit alien migration to a percentage of the established human population and/or aliens arriving for pre-applied jobs.  
2247-Babylon 4 begins construction. It's purpose is as a neutral meeting place for the recently-established League of Non-Aligned Worlds. 
2247-2250-Earth Minbari war

The Third Age

-Babylon 4 begins construction. It's purpose is as a neutral meeting place for the recently-established League of Non-Aligned Worlds. 

-Earth Minbari war

-Babylon 4 disappears

-Construction of Babylon 5 begins

-Commander Sinclair assumes control of Babylon 5
Series begins at this point

-Sinclair disappears

-Short on staff, and running the station in Sinclair's absence, Ivanova and Garibaldi are forced to recruit station residents, many of them "Lurkers", to help with security and customs 

-Jeffery Sheridan is sent by Earth Force to take over the running of Babylon 5. He is also tasked with uncovering any link with the command staff and the recent death of President of the Earth Alliance President. Vice-President William Clarke personally tasks Sheridan with uncovering the whereabouts of his missing predecessor John Sinclair.

-An unknown race obliterates an entire Narn colony and listening post near the border with the Centauri Republic, killing a quarter of a million Narns. The Centauri Republic immediately annexes the planet and system, claiming their aim is only to investigate the identity of the real culprits. This doesn't stop the Narn Regime blaming their old adversary for this atrocity.

-William Morgan Clarke is installed as EA president by the senate. He enacts tough new laws aimed at further regulating the activities of human telepaths. This directly affects Lyta Alexander, who leaves Babylon 5 for the Vorlon Empire, and Lieutenant Commander Susan Ivanova, who defects to the Minbari.

-Marcus Cole arrives on the station to warn the command staff about the Shadows 

-President Clark blames the Shadow attacks on the Minbari 

-Known only to Delenn, Kosh begins recruiting and training station residents, mostly Lurkers and mostly human, to join the Rangers. This cohort includes several Drazi, a pair of Yolu, two Abbaii and a pak'ma'ra.

-Susan Ivanova defects to the Minbari and ends up joining the Rangers while Lyta Alexander returns to the station 

-President Clark blames the Shadow attacks on the Minbari 
-Delenn reveals the existence of the White Star fleet to Sheridan

-Hostilities resume between the Earth Alliance and Minbar.

-The leads to Sheridan declaring B5's independence. 

-Mars secedes from the Earth Alliance in solidarity with Babylon 5 but comes under attack by the Shadows.

-The Shadows prevent the Minbari from destroying Babylon 5 and are, in turn, attacked by an Earth Force task force sent to capture Babylon 5, aided by an intervention by the Vorlons.

-With the Shadows exposed, Clark can no longer blame the Minbari for their attacks.

-Bar some skirmishes with elements of the Warrior caste, the second Minbari war is over.

-Sheridan and Delenn task the Rangers with searching for the First Ones to aid them in the war against the Shadows.

-Garibaldi resigns from Security after Doctor Franklyn discovers a secret colony of rouge telepaths resident in Brown Sector during his "walkabout"

-Ivanova is surprised to discover Babylon 4 in deep orbit sixty light hours from Epsilon 3

-Sheridan meets with the Shadows on Z'ha'dum
-He escapes with the surprising help of John Sinclair 
-He then announces that Sheridan and Delenn must hijack Babylon 4. 

-At first they think he is high, but they then discover strange tachyon signals emanating from Epsilon 3 and discover the Great Machine was built as a time machine.

-The Shadows begin to secretly relocate to Centauri Prime with the aid of the Drakh.
The Drakh and their Centauri allies expel all telepaths from Centauri Prime, further contributing to the refugee crisis.

-The Shadows shut down the Narn jump gate and attack a number of colonies supporting both the Narn regime and the Vorlon Empire. The Centauri use this opportunity to annexe a number of Narn colonies which had been left unscarred by the war.

-Sheridan and Delenn marry

G'kar tries to rally the League and the Rangers to launch a final strike on Z'ha'dum to end the Shadow threat once and for all. Unfortunately much of the League, along with the Narn Regime, are more concerned with organising an assault on Centauri Prime. This results in the Centauri Prime Minister offering Centauri Prime as a base for the Shadows after a combined Narn, Drazi, Brakiri and p'ak'ma'ra fleet assault Centauri Prime and kill the old emperor.

Delenn becomes pregnant after embarking on a physical relationship with Sheridan. Twelve months later she gives birth to their son, David. They soon marry and Delenn discovers that she has human ancestry. Lennir joins the Rangers out of jealousy.

This news reaches the Minbari Warrior Caste and it pisses them off immensely! They try to assassinate Sheridan but manage to kill both Sinclair and Kosh, who sacrifice themselves to save Sheridan.

These events restart the Vorlon-Shadow War.

The Vorlons break the truce by unleashing their planet-killer on Minbar, killing a billion Minbari.

Lyta's powers increase. She uses them to hijack the White Star, then travels to Z'ha'dum and initiates its self-destruct mechanism. 

This ends the war. 

Lyta's actions and those of the Minbari cause irreparable damage to the station. 

The command staff relocate the crew, ambassadors and station residents to Babylon 4, which was placed in hiding at the dark side of Epsilon 3 and slowly being repaired and resupplied by a skeleton maintenance crew. 

The Shadows leave Earth

Without his Shadow allies President William Clarke commits suicide 

Sheridan and the League form the Interstellar Alliance. He is forced to re-join EA to deal with the new telepath crisis as the influx of refugees, including Centauri telepaths fleeing persecution, has created a crisis in living space with Byron's colony. The EA joins the ISA, with the Narn Regime and the remnants of the Minbari Federation.

It transpires that Kosh was Sinclair all along, as Sinclair began to age backwards from the point of his death. The Vorlons were responsible for introducing human DNA (Sinclair's) into the gene pool of the ancestors of the Minbari, Narn and Centauri races as well as introducing telepathic abilities into the three races. These actions distracted the Shadows, who would otherwise have targeted humanity directly as a threat. This was due to the rapid development of telepathy in humans plus the increase in both numbers and abilities every twenty years. This would reach a point where humans would out-power both the Vorlons and the Shadows.

EA senate allows telepaths to join Earth Force if they rank P7 or lower and have no criminal record.

This sets up future conflict between Earth Force and the senate on one side and Psi Corps and IPX on the other. Both organisations are now controlled by Shadow allies and heavily infiltrated by Drakh thralls.

Delenn and Sheridans' child is born. They name it David.

2265 to 1,000,0000 CE:

-Sheridan and Delenn are captured.
-The First ones insist Lyta Alexander and Jeffery Sheridan join them when the Shadows leave the galaxy.
-IPX continue to reverse engineer Shadow technology for their own purposes, effectively blackmailing the Earth Alliance. This is based on unaired plot details in "Crusade"
-Emperor Londo creates tension with the ISA so its members will attack Centauri Prime. 

It transpires that this is a deliberate plot to rid the galaxy of the Drakh and the Shadows, by allowing the ISA to attack and occupy Centauri Prime.
-Humanity migrates to the Vorlon home world. 


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