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A few ideas I came up with recently concerned alternative endings to Game of Thrones. One was that Regent Cersei is eaten by Drogon immediately after declaring that dragons now longer exist. Kinda got that one from Alien Three (but is still a good one)

Drogon also destroys the Iron Throne in dragon fire.

Another is the idea that Aegon's conquest of Westeros helped to spread the Faith of the Seven.
These ideas came to me before the final series of "Game of Thrones" was broadcast.

I also have the idea that the series ought to be entirely remade as an animated series called "Westeros". It will cover the civil war between the Starks and the Lannisters but also Aegons' conquest and the parallels with Danearys' own attempt to restore Targaryen rule.

Kings Landing is occupied by a slowly dwindling group of pilgrims. They follow a minority sect which worships seven aspects of the same god. Mostly male and highly religious, their numbers only increase by recruits during their "long march" (there is some comparison to Mao) and a small number of pregnancies.

While on the island (Pilgrim's Land?) the slowly dwindling number of Pilgrims are joined by increasing numbers of, again mostly male, slaves. This is an analogy of Rome which was allegedly founded by runaway slaves. Thirty years later Aegon and the first refugees from Valyria arrive at Pilgrim's Land.

These events would be shown in flashbacks, particularly those where Westeros' history is repeating itself. Similar characters can even be depicted as if played by the same actor to emphasise this. Animation also allows for the Valyrians to be shown as described in the novels.

My version of the history and geography is somewhat different from the novels and the television series. Westeros is mostly unexplored and uninhabited, or at least the areas in its north-west. King's Landing is much closer to Essos-a causeway links the city to both continents.

I could comment on the misleading use of armour in the television show but I'm really tempted to ask: what's the point? But let's say Jamie Lannister wears a bronze helm and a gilded hauberk. The Night's Watch wear a lot of hand-me-downs and armour/equipment confiscated from Wildlings. 


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