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Westeros 2

One thing which bothers me about ASOIAF/GOT is the height of the Wall and the fact that people have been able to cross over it. Not just stone-age Wildlings but that the (supposedly under-manned and under-funded) Night’s Watch were not only able to get to the top of the Wall but actually place defences on the top! 
The Wall is actually so high that people would get blown off by the wind on a regular basis! It is established in the books that the Wall (which is 700 feet high and 300 miles long) protects itself, so perhaps this is more of a plot hole.
OK, so let's imagine that the Wall is, actually (more like) 300 feet high and 150 miles long, while some parts of it have fallen down. At these parts the Night's Watch have their fortifications. Specifically Castle Black, Mole's Fort which basically contains a trebuchet and Eastwatch, where the Wall is a consistent 200 feet high and extends 60 feet into the Narrow Sea 

There are a number of abandoned castles on the Wall, some of which have entrances to the lands beyond. 
It is these which the Wildlings have used in the past to infiltrate Westeros.
The Wall is still a formidable and recognisable landmark.

As stated in part one, Westeros has a completely different geography to the books. 

King's Island is situated between Westeros and Essos, with King's Landing and Dragonstone actually on the Essos side. King's Island also contains Oldtown at its northernmost point. To the north of King's Island, which is larger than the Isle of White, the Narrow Sea is 30-40 miles wide, apart from a few uninhabited islands. All parts of King's Island are inaccessible from each other by land due to steep mountains. The Sea is the only connection.   

Ned Stark is exiled North to join the Night's Watch. He is killed by the Red Woman when he refuses to convert to her faith. Stannis survives all the wars by being based at one of the abandoned Night's Watch forts.

Euron brings a significant Dothraki force across the narrow sea using his fleet, but the methods he uses to persuade them to cross the poisoned water leave them virtually mindless and almost useless as warriors. Cersei, acting as Regent for her son Tommen, positions this force on the causeway between King's Landing and mainland Westeros, assuming Daenerys will have to come this way 

Victarion agrees to an alliance with Daenerys. She will recognise his claim to the Iron islands if he supports her campaign to win the Iron Throne.

Most of her Dothraki cross to Westeros by land. Some have been trained as knights and these join her "Queensguard", advisers and Unsullied. It is this force, ten thousand strong, which heads straight for King's Landing.

Hearing of this Cersei promises a knighthood to any one who goes out to fight "the bitch and her savages". A result is eight thousand townspeople with whatever weapons Cersei can spare and any they can salvage march out of King's Landing to face the Unsullied.
Meanwhile, Cersei remains in the main hall, sat on the Iron Throne surrounded by her most loyal (or stupid) retainers, Jamie having already headed north in disgust at Cersei's alliance with Euron in order to "find a king worth fighting for". 
This costs her her life and most of the citizens of King's landing when Drogon crashes through the window behind Cersei, devours her and sets the throne room alight. Unfortunately this ignites much of the Wildfire stocks which Aerys had hidden throughout the city and those stocks which Qyburn had recovered.

Dany's dragons easily destroy the Dothraki by destroying the KL causeway with dragon fire. The ragged army sent to confront Dany quickly surrenders along with some stragglers from the holocaust behind them. With no-where to go Daenerys offers them a place in her army or the option of marching North to join the Night's Watch. Grey Worm and some of the Unsullied then shock Daenerys by announcing that they also wish the join the Night's Watch. Three quarters of Daenerys' fleet is used to send these new recruits to Eastwatch.
Dany then begins her rule as "Queen of Ashes".

Meanwhile, North of the Wall, Bran and his companions encounter the rest of Dany's force: her loyal Dothraki. Bran is able to communicate with them and they create a force which is able to fight their way to the Wall and safety.....
yadda yadda yadda blah blah blah...the thing is WHY DON'T THE DOTHRAKI WEAR ANY ARMOUR? This just isn't really believable!
This lead to two conclusions:
1. Westeros is a Gilead-type* kingdom recovering from some apocalypse (dragons?)   
2. Screw it, in my version they DO wear armour or at least carry shields.
Anyhoo Bran basically arranges/orders the Dothraki to help rebuild the Wall. Meanwhile, the Others (White Walkers) continue marching south with a steadily increasing Army of the Dead, having been finally able to breach the Wall**. Their destination being King's Landing. By the time they get their the causeway has been destroyed and the Wall has been rebuilt. This doesn't kill the Others but does manage to turn their army into a mile-long pile of corpses. The Others are soon quite easily finished off by an army gathered by Bran and John Snow, which includes Dothraki, Dragons and even war elephants imported from Essos by Victarion. 
Daenarys becomes Queen of Dragonstone, the Andals and the First Men.
She allows Jon Snow to be King At the Wall, Sansa to be Queen in the North and Victarion King of the Iron Isles. She also makes Victarion her Lord Admiral and Bran becomes her Hand of the Queen. Stannis is forced to join the Night's Watch but is eventually elected Lord Commander.

*as in Stephen King's The Dark Tower series not Handmaid's tale. And they have guns.
**in the TV version using an undead Dragon. This need not be the case. Can the Others survive south of the Wall? Can they simply build a raft or boat and circumnavigate the Wall by sea, and then assault the wall from two directions? Euron's horn has to have something to do with this: the Night's King somehow obtains this artifact and uses it to demolish part of the Wall.


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